Thursday, September 24, 2009

Completely knackered

Thanks to Omi, Paresh, Sanket, Sudha and the Little Voice Inside me (no I'm not mad, referring to my conscience) - I'm back! And guess what, I'm here to stay! Now, now, don't be so skeptical and critical...I know I've said this before and never stuck to my word, but this time I will...really. Just wait n watch.

Anyway, like my post declares, I'm truly well knackered right now, so I'll beging posting from tomorrow onwards. Arre, really!!!

Feels nice to be back...for like, the tenth time! :)


sanket kambli said...

!comeback of the year!

good to have you back..
inspires me to post again..!!

sudha said...


It never occured to me to check your blog since a year. Don't know why today got a gut feelin to do so and see what I found..I though ur last post would be way too back in 2007...Felt good to see the updated post...

Btw You are welcome... :) cheers

Tasha said...

Sanket n Sudha: Thanks guys! With this kinda encouragement I cudn't stay away for too long...just a year or so ;)

BIG Omi said...

oye.. Hi. welcome back buddy! sry for dropping so late!!

Tauseef said...

182,500 words equivalent to 4-5 books will accumulate into writing if we just pen 500 words a day. I'm too in trying.