Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Woof woof, cough cough

The problem of taking your dog for a walk when you have a severe cough is that people glare at your dog for his incessant barking, when it’s actually you coughing…I got several such stares and glares when I took Rusty for his usual morning walk.

And the people here are just so mean. There was this moment when I was doubled up and slightly staggering on the road….I mean, I could have been having a heart attack or something. But did anyone even bother to ask? No. They all just walked past me staring at me like I’m an escaped lunatic. One little girl actually giggled. For heaven’s sake people should get a grip. That’s NOT how you behave when you see a potential heart patient!

But hey, this is my first bit of news that happened in the years I stopped blogging…I got a dog! Actually, my Mum got one. Bored of sitting at home alone (she’s retired) while my Dad and I went off to work, my Mum decided she wanted to adopt a pup. So just like that we just adopted a puppy from the road. Now he has his own papers and all...he's a legal fella.

When I first saw him, he was among his brothers and sisters looking at some distant object. He looked semi-alert and shit scared. Then a crow gave out a harsh caw. Rusty shot off at great speed and hid under a car. I was like Uh oh! I doubt if Mum could handle a dog who takes off like that. But then I saw his eyes...beautiful, clear, green eyes...and it was love at first sight for me.

I guess I have a thing for eyes. Whether it’s a man, a dog or a cat, the eyes really make me fall for them. Anyway, so that’s how we brought Rusty home, who has since then become a really important member of our family. I’ll try putting up some pics now…but my Net’s decided to do the snail walk. Let’s see.

Bow wow till then! :)


Anonymous said...

Ideally- My goddd what r u saying.....A new dog.....
sadly i know those "beautiful,clear,green eyes" too well so all i can say is

"W-E-L-C-O-M-E B-A-C-K". And keep painting with your words....

sanket kambli said...

rusty is one cool dude!
take care of your health
yes the eyes thing! i get it!
good to have you back

Tasha said...

@Anon: Thanks! :)
@Sanky: Thanks a lot for the warm welcome :)

BIG Omi said...

Second Post... Seems someone on a roll .. .

1. What happened to your Comic Strip Thing..

2. Hows rusty.. mebbe u could post some pics of Rusty...

3. And yeah.. people are rude with the Heart Patients .. :P