Saturday, March 13, 2010

Feeling hot, hot, HOT!

Lol, don't get wrong ideas in your twisted mind now :P

It's so HOT! I can hardly bear this climate. I so prefer the cool winters and lashing rains of Mumbai than the scorching summers. I feel dehydrated and weak all the time :(

Beating the heat:

Conserving energy: Not electricity, but my own energy. It's a perfect excuse for me to do nothing. Just laze around and read.

Consuming loads of cool liquids...lots of iced water, tea and lemonade. The only problem with this is that I waste energy visiting the loo.

No AC at home, so I keep the fans running and windows closed.

Cold and wet cloth over my felt lovely till I slept off. When I woke up my pillow was thoroughly wet.

Keep washing my hands, neck and face in cold water. If I'm not too careful, I think I'll freeze all my veins soon...

A watermelon a day keeps the heat away.

That's all I'm doing...and I'll end it with my FB status: If it's this hot in March, what'll May be like...


BIG Omi said...

Hmmm i knw! This is suppose to be most hottest month of the decade!

Best luck with heat! :)

sanket kambli said...

naah..!! dont May we will get used to it..

of course its hot...but I prefer Summer to chilly/dry winters..rains are best though..

i try to avoid using AC or else I will get used to it..

yeah drinking lots of fluids(non-alcoholic preferred) is best...

Tasha said...

Omi: Same to you! :)

Sanky: I have no intention of getting used to it! I'm avoidig the sun as far as just doesn't agree with me. You're a summer person and me winter :)

Wish I had an AC, I wouldn't have minded getting used to it! :P

Except beer it's too hot to consume alcohol...and I hate beer :)