Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Troubled by Thyroid

Thyroid has become as common as dirt now. Every second person has it, and my body decided it had to jump the thyroid bandwagon too.

Oh, by the way, the latest range for TSH is now 0.3-3.0. The debate still rages on in medical circles.

The long and short of my story is that I’ve got hypothyroid (yes, it’s the one that makes you fat and no, I haven’t turned into an elephant) and I’ve learnt how to manage it. Here’s how:

·         Take your medicine regularly and as soon as you wake up. I keep mine near my bed along with a bottle of water.

·         Move your body as often and as much as possible to improve your mood
My schedule: I walk up the stairs (so what if it’s two flights!), take my dog out for a minimum 15-minute walk (morning and evening), play TT when I can, and do simple stretches after I pop my pill.

·         Eat small, healthy meals at regular intervals to boost your metabolism
I have breakfast between 7-7.30 AM, a juice or snack at 10.30 AM, lunch between 12-12.30 PM, snacks at 4 PM, and dinner by 8 PM. Never let your tummy be hungry! J

That’s it. Just follow the above steps and you’ll see your symptoms disappearing within three weeks. One thing’s for sure…you cannot practice any one of the above in isolation; they have to go hand-in-hand.

Nobody believes me when I explain I have “the one that makes me fat” just because I’m slim. But I know what a fight it’s been and what a long way I’ve come.

So even if you’re fat and bloated, in the depths of depression, tired beyond belief, and experiencing crazy mood swings – know that there is hope, know that it is easily manageable. I did it and so can you. After all, “We are of one blood, you and I” – Rudyard Kipling.


sanket kambli said...

that's a tough routine...
but its good you are following it strictly..
a good inspirational post for everyone..
~stay healthy~

BIG Omi said...

Thats quite an Information. Make suer u stick to the routine thou. I really hope u get well soon. My mum has got hypothyroidism .. i will be emailing this post to her :)