Sunday, January 10, 2010

Two-way traffic, but one at a signal

Its so irritating when people you have given the VIP tag don’t bother about you, and I seem to be meeting a lot of people like that. I really fail to understand them. They bloody say they care about you, love you and all that bally tosh, and where the hell are they when you need them? Poof! They vanish like a puff of smoke.

And these people don’t bother to call, SMS or return your calls. However, the minute I stop calling, hells foundations begin to quiver and I’m told I don’t call or that I only call when I have need something. Just now I was yelling at someone for not calling me since the past two days, and he dared to ask me why I didn’t call. What cheek! That too when I’ve been making incessant phone calls and flooding his inbox with several messages. Its so irritating when people are like that. One apology would have been enough, but I guess even that is hard to come by nowadays.

Its so easy if I like a person and that person doesn’t like me back. Then I can’t expect an SMS, let alone a phone call. But my life seems full of people who claim to love (a word I take very seriously) me and yet don’t give a damn when I have high fever or whatever. So, although the traffic is two-way, one seems have halted at a red signal. And one long wait it is. You’ll wonder now why I’m still in contact with them, why don’t I break off relations? Well, for the simple reason that I love them…


Tauseef said...

it's good to note that you still love those who are disregardful to you. It clearly shows your strength to build and nourish relationships on pure line of altruism.

BIG Omi said...

Ahem! I thought some1 was pretty successful with the endeavour... Anyway welcome back again! :) so whn is ur MA thing starting hun? And hws amey n all?

Tasha said...

Tauseef: Thanks! :)

Omi: You'll see...this time I shall unleash an avalanche of posts on any unsuspecting reader, like you :p

MA starts in August. Till then I plan to learn French. On the lookout for a tutor as well as a part-time job now. Amey's fine...nice of you to ask :)

sanket kambli said...

who is this person??

Tasha said...

Sankoobaba: Another blogger, I don't know him personally. Kya hua?

sanket kambli said...

naah nothing..
and yes sometimes we do end up bothering about people...who dont bother about us...

and u r right..thats coz we love them...

in certain contexts love is so easy to explain...except in one..