Monday, November 27, 2006

Highly interesting and amusing day. (By the way, I'm eating sugarcane more thing I love).
For starters our lecture that was to be held at 2PM got delayed by one and a half hours. Our teach was busy with some work. When she came she had some news for us. Firstly, she told us that one organization was planning to start a body that would keep our government in check (Fat chance, I thought). So these people want to elect a Mayor, who would be a student. Our college (I'm not going to reveal the name!) is the Zonal Host. People who apply for the post will be eliminated on the basis of personal interviews and debates. Our teach wants to form a committe that will organize the event, debate and do some research work for the debate. I wasn't interested at all...but then at the end of the lecture she appointed me the Head of the committe (Aw shucks! I'm embarrassed..aww please stop clapping...LOL).
I was supposed to arrange for a Guest Lecture (since I'm on that committe) the day after tomorrow at 2PM. Unfortunately, the guy who was supposed to come was busy and he cancelled the date. I decided to arrange for another lecture and called up one of my Mom's friends. He gave me a list of several numbers (people from Media) and asked to fix up a date with one of them. The first two people I called up were busy this week. So I called the next guy on the list. But then he turned out to be someone else on the list. And so it went on. I called up for Mr. X and he turned out to be Mr. Y! My Mom's friend had mixed up the numbers by mistake. I had to keep apologising. Later on, I had a good laugh with my parents.
Finally, I managed to set up a date with a media person. Thank God, he's ready to come. I'm now looking forward to hearing his lecture. Our coordinater ought to be happy that the lecture wasn't cancelled.
Anyway, that's all for now folks!

1 comment:

sanket kambli said... one day...we will see you becoming a MP (member of parliament, eh?)