Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why aren't men like dogs?

How I wish men could be like dogs, or the least they could do was learn from them. I don't mean men should start barking and whining, or treat their partners like a dog treats another female dog (I don't wanna use the "B" word). I'm talking about the qualities of a dog - they're your best friend, they love you, and above all, they're loyal. Yeah sure, dogs also piss you off by pooping on your new carpet or bark the place down when you have visitors; but they make up for it by offering a love so potent that it overwhelms and humbles you. Then you wonder, 'Why can't I love like that? or 'Why cannot I get love like that?'.

And if you think such love is impossible, then think again, and then again if you please, because I have seen such love. I actually know a man who loves like that and has those qualities. When you need him, he's there for you, when you fall, he catches you...basically, this guy fulfils all the criteria that have been mentioned in songs on love like When you say nothing at all or Will you be there (to which the answer is YES, by the way). He's almost the perfect guy. I use the word 'almost' not because he's not, but just because no girl, or anybody else in this world, is ever satisfied. So I guess that answers my question. We cannot have doggie qualities coz we're humans and always desire things we don't have. Wow, I got to the point pretty quickly, didn't I? :)

So, woof, woof for now, I have a marriage to attend! And no matter how many people tell me I'm looking nice today, the almost-invisible little black dot on my face is going to continue to bother me :D


sanket kambli said...

i dont believe in all that anymore.
i do believe in being loyal and loving a lot.
but for me, if someone expects me to love her, then she should not expect things from me, stuff like being there all the time, calling when needed,
i would surprise her, but I will not like it, if it is made a routine, being there like a shadow.
if she does not understand this, she does not understand me,
there will come time when I will choose my family over her (till she is not part of my family)
and if she doesnt understand then she doesnt love me, and I would not love her back,
I dont believe in one-way love..
yeah yeah i forgot this is comment section not my blog,

your point is valid.. but that kind of love have mentioned and the same kind that my friend JP has is rare one..keep it safe...
maybe some men are bit like cats...they need love to give love

Anonymous said...

Now being with a Dog all the time, I guess I am becoming one. I can assure you though, I have more regret on doing a mistake than the real Dog at my home. Anyways, hope you have a wonderful time at the marriage.

Woof, Bark... See I told you, I am becoming one!:)

Rupali Shinde said...

Men can't be like dogs...dey just cannot be...Dogs r so caring, loving and r so loyal....basically deres no point in comparing men wid dogs...dogs r far above than men

sanket kambli said...


dogs cant can.

they can try to make you happy and go out of the way for the extent of becoming a dog..but a dog will always be a dog and never a man...

we think we are..

also truth is is selfish..ppl love someone coz they like being with them etc etc..its just pampering yourself...not love..i dont know what it is..but this isnt..

ok..leave it..

Paresh said...

For us, one love pure and timeless comes out of our matter where u are, what u do...
So (in chorus) Mom's love is the bestttt... yeah yeah!!! :)

shanaz@RS said...

Phew, I almost missed reading this ever-so-exciting post from you, Tasha.

It's funny that we want men/women to be as "loyal" and "loving" like dogs, when the mark of a complete individual regardless of gender is truly being able to love himself, to be comfortable in her own skin, without expecting another to do it for us.

Dogs are easy to love because we know they can't talk back, or say something that is going to annoy you to the bitter end. With a real man, you've got to know yourself first, before expecting things to just fall into place.

Oh my, sorry for my little rant here. Btw, are you getting married already? :p

Tasha said...

What a flurry of comments I have invoked with my one innocent little post! It's way to late to individually reply now, and in any case, I have nothing to say...I just know someone who loves his girl like she's his own soul, if you know what I mean. Just like a dog, he never expects anything in return...but then, that's just my personal opinion :)